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All students deserve engaging opportunities to do mathematics. 

I work with schools, districts, and organizations on the equitable mindsets, technical skills, resources, and infrastructure required to provide rich, engaging mathematical learning experiences for K-12 students. 

A mathematician by training, I have taught in both district and charter schools, and served as a mentor teacher, department chair, and instructional coach. I have been honored to receive Math for America's Master Teacher and School Leader fellowships. 

In New York, I helped lead the development of the EngageNY mathematics curriculum, as well as realignment of the state assessment program in mathematics. 

I helped found and served as Chief Academic Officer of UnboundEd, leading the development of the Standards Institute mathematics pathway and advising numerous organizations and school districts on K-12 mathematics strategy.

I have been a speaker at the NCTM and NCSM National Conferences, SXSWEdu, Learning Forward, and other national convenings.

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